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Welcome to Daemoneye Publishing - we publish science fiction, fantasy, and horror role playing games.

News Update 10-01-2024 - IMPORTANT: News on the future of The Harrowed Earth

Daemoneye Publishing will no longer be publishing The Harrowed Earth. Instead, its author, Jay Tyler Barrell, will be releasing the game through his new company, Die Sin Publishing. Full ownership and publishing rights of the game, the setting, etc. have been transferred to Die Sin Publishing.

Please note that this was not a result of any acrimony between the author and Daemoneye Publishing. We remain friendly and may even collaborate on projects in the future.

To support Die Sin and to receive updates on The Harrowed Earth and other Die Sin projects, visit and subscribe to their new YouTube channel, That said, please note that both their homepage and channel are still a work in progress so pardon the dust!

News Update 08-25-2024 - Updated Harrowed Earth Character Creation Highlight

Version 7 of the the Character Creation Guide for The Harrowed Earth is now available.

Download The Harrowed Earth Character Creation Spotlight v7

News Update 07-22-2024 - Index Spotlight for Harrowed Earth

The Harrowed Earth is getting dangerously close to complete! A formal announcement regarding its release date will be coming soon. Until then, check out a preview in the form of the Index to THE so you can see all the cool stuff the new game will offer!

Download The Harrowed Earth Index Spotlight v7

News Update 05-5-2024 - Updated Character Creation Spotlight file for Harrowed Earth

Version 6 of the the Character Creation Guide for The Harrowed Earth is now available. It features a complete set of rules for creating characters set in the upcoming Harrowed Earth setting and game!

Download The Harrowed Earth Character Creation Spotlight v6

News Update 02-28-2024 - Jay Barrell has published a new Novel!

Jay Tyler Barrell - Daemoneye Publishing's Lead Game Designer and author of Universal Decay: Dead Stars and its fantasy supplement DragonFire - has published an e-novel - Jormungander Book 1, Fallen off the Bifrost: A Novel of The Harrowed Earth. Check it out on Amazon!

News Update 10-16-2023 - ConQuest Sacramento 2023

Another year, another booth at ConQuest Sacramento, this time at the Scottish Rite Center in Sacramento! Big thanks to the organizers and everyone who visited our booth!

News Update 06-02-2023 - Minor Website Updates

The Daemoneye Publishing webpage has been updated with a more streamlined layout. We've removed some broken links and unused features. In addition, we've uploaded a free expansion book for Edition Pi - Under Cover of Darkness.

Under Cover of Darkness focuses on the infamous assassin class, including new feats, equipment, spells and prestige classes. It also incorporates rules for generating random contracts and targets as well as a small city-focused campaign setting. Not for the faint of heart, but if you want to try playing the bad guy or maybe an antihero-type, this may be the book for you!

News Update 03-13-2023 - Updated Character Creation Spotlight file for Harrowed Earth

A new, updated version of The Harrowed Earth Character Creation Spotlight is now available! It features a complete set of rules for creating characters set in the upcoming Harrowed Earth setting and game!

Download The Harrowed Earth Character Creation Spotlight v5

News Update 11-28-2022 - The Harrowed Earth Is Coming Soon!

After many, many years of writing, playtesting, editing, wailing and gnashing of teeth, Daemoneye Publishing is pleased to announce that our newest tabletop roleplaying game - The Harrowed Earth - is nearing completion!

The Harrowed Earth is both a new setting and new d20-based system. It takes place on an alternate Earth where magic, mythical beings (elves, gnomes, orcs, etc.) and, more to the point, horrifying eldritch abominations have existed since (and before) the dawn of history. Play a group of bootlegger dwarves during prohibition era United States or defend ancient Mycenae from hordes of diabolic fishmen raiders during the Bronze Age collapse. There are few things as terrifying as human history, so why not throw in a few elder gods and soul-devouring monstrosities from beyond time and space to lighten things up?

No release date yet - we are still compiling artwork and giving it more polish - but in the meantime you can download this free Harrowed Earth Character Creation Spotlight to get a feel for the game and preview the rules (see below).

Download The Harrowed Earth Character Creation Spotlight

News Update 11-13-2022 - Thank you ConQuest Sacramento

Here are some photos from ConQuest Sacramento 2022! A shout out to those who visited our booth, the convention organizers and our fellow vendors - thank you for a great time!

News Update 10-23-2022 - ConQuest Sacramento 2022

Daemoneye Publishing is proud to announce that we will be returning to ConQuest Sacramento this year!

ConQuest Sacramento is a tabletop gaming convention that will place at the Four Points by Sheraton near the Sacramento Airport, November 11th through November 13th. If you plan on attending, come visit us at the Vendor Hall! Or better yet, purchase some of our discounted products.

News Update 7-5-2022 - Summer 2022 Sale

The Daemoneye Publishing Summer 2022 sale is on!

Starting July 8th all Daemoneye Publishing products sold through DriveThruRPG will be 50% off! And starting July 20th all of our Lulu products - including ebooks - will also be discounted, up to 50% off!

News Update 5-2-2021 - All products now available as ebooks through Lulu!

We've gotten through 2020 and we're still alive, folks!

We are dropping the 'PayPal' contribution method for selling digital editions of our products. From now on, all Daemoneye Publishing products can be purchased as PDF ebooks through Lulu. The prices remain the same as they have ever been but now you can instantly download these rather than having to wait for your PayPal payments to be cleared!

News Update 10-27-2019 - UC Davis DRAGON New Members Night 2019

Once again we would like to thank the UC Davis Roleplaying Activities and Gaming Organization Network for allowing Daemoneye Publishing to act as the unofficial sponsors for their New Members Night. Fun was had by all. Congratulations to the raffle winners!

News Update 09-30-2019 - Universal Decay Dragonfire now available!!!

After years of development, writing, playtesting, editing and much gnashing of the teeth, the "Heavy Metal" fantasy expansion for Universal Decay is now available for purchase on both Lulu and Amazon!

As always, you can purchase physical copies of the book OR by contributing as little as 3.00 USD to the project receive a PDF copy via email. Check out the product page for Universal Decay here.

News Update 07-09-2019 - Daemoneye Publishing seeking a webcomic artist and writers

Daemoneye Publishing is seeking to partner with a freelance artist for a long-term webcomic project set in the Lycanthrope Club universe and (possibly) a second, yet to be announced webcomic. The artist would work with Daemoneye Publishing on a regular basis. Their responsibilities would include drawing one standard page (6.63" x 10.24") inked/black and white comic strip per month, drawing some additional illustrations around the start of the comic (e.g. character pages, graphics for the webpage) and minor script editing and writing. The artist would be expected to stay in contact with Daemoneye Publishing and keep us updated on art status, unavailability due to sickness, vacation, family emergency, etc. Familiarity or better with HTML, HTML5, FTP and website design is a plus.

Ownership of all characters, settings, events and stories depicted in the webcomic(s) would remain with Daemoneye Publishing. Ownership and copyright of the art itself used in the webcomic would remain with the artist (if they desire) but the artist must grant Daemoneye Publishing full right of use of the art (i.e. the images) used in the webcomic for commercial and promotional purposes. Daemoneye Publishing will not sell or otherwise transfer the right of use of said art to any other third party without securing the agreement of the artist.

As compensation, the artist would receive a payment on a per comic page basis, the amount to be set at the beginning of the comic dependent on the artist's skill, 50% of all Patreon earnings for the webcomic, and, if desired, space on the Daemoneye Publishing website to host their own drawings, writings, blog, etc. Should we print and sell physical copies of the comic directly or through a print-on-demand (POD) service, the artist would receive 50% of the profit from said sales. Payment can be through PayPal or a monthly check. If interested, please contact us at (please cc, including a link to your portfolio and desired per page rate. We are open to negotiating some of these terms and conditions.

Second, Daemoneye Publishing is seeking freelance writers for articles on roleplaying game and tabletop games to publish on our website. Possible topics include proposed game mechanics, adventures, historical or cultural information that could be used in campaigns, scientific or technological information that could be used in designing a campaign, adventure, etc., gaming history and more - anything that might be of interest to tabletop gamers.

If interested, submit your article in .doc or .pdf format to . If we decide to publish your work on our website you will receive compensation based on the quality and length of the article - either free Daemoneye Publishing products or cash via PayPal (no more than $20.00 USD per article). It must be your original work. We will ask you to sign a form stating such if we decide to publish it. Furthermore, you will need to sign an Assignment of Rights form transferring all rights, titles and interest of the work to Daemoneye Publishing (we will still credit you as the author, of course!).

News Update 10-13-2018 - Daemoneye Publishing thanks the UC Davis DRAGON club

For the second year Daemoneye Publishing was proud to be the unofficial sponsor of the Davis Roleplaying Activities and Gaming Organization Network (DRAGON) New Members Night at the University of California, Davis. Thanks for coming everyone and congratulations to the winners of the raffle! Those of you who won the Amazon e-gift cards should have received them already via email.

News Update 12-10-2017 - Pre-Generic Winter Solstice Related Holiday Sale 2017

Is it that time of year again? Why yes, yes it is!

It's the Daemoneye Publishing Pre-Generic Winter Solstice Related Holiday Sale!

Until December 25th 2017 all Daemoneye Publishing products purchased through Lulu are 10% off. Furthermore, the minimum contributions necessary to receive a PDF copy of The Lycanthrope Club: Book I, The Lycanthrope Club: Book II and the Universal Decay: Dead Stars Rule Book are reduced to 1.00 USD, 2.00 USD, and 3.00 USD, respectively. This will also be in effect until the 25th.

News Update 12-10-2016 - Pre-Generic Winter Solstice Related Holiday Sale 2016

Winter is coming...

Among other things, that means it's time for the annual Daemoneye Publishing Pre-Generic Winter Solstice Related Holiday Sale!

As before, all Daemoneye Publishing products purchased through Lulu are 10% off until the 25th of December. Furthermore, the minimum contributions necessary to receive a PDF copy of The Lycanthrope Club: Book I, The Lycanthrope Club: Book II and the Universal Decay: Dead Stars Rule Book are reduced to 1.00 USD, 2.00 USD, and 3.00 USD, respectively. This will also be in effect until the 25th.

News Update 10-08-2016 - Daemoneye Publishing thanks the UC Davis DRAGON club

We here at Daemoneye Publishing would like to thank the officers of the Davis Roleplaying Activities and Gaming Organizational Network (DRAGON) club at the University of California, Davis for allowing us to act as unofficial sponsors of DRAGON New Member Night 2016. Not only did we have a great time but turnout for the event was extraordinary. Thank you all for attending.

News Update 12-12-2015 - Pre-Generic Winter Solstice Related Holiday Sale 2015

It's that time of year again!

All Daemoneye Publishing products purchased through Lulu are 10% off until the 25th of December. Furthermore, the minimum contributions necessary to receive a PDF copy of The Lycanthrope Club: Book I, The Lycanthrope Club: Book II and the Universal Decay: Dead Stars Rule Book are reduced to 1.00 USD, 2.00 USD, and 3.00 USD, respectively. This will also be in effect until the 25th.

News Update 08-01-2015 - The Universal Decay: Dead Stars Rule Book is now available in PDF!

Because of the success of our contributor reward model with The Lycanthrope Club we've decided to make the full PDF of the Universal Decay: Dead Stars Rule Book (DSRB) available to those who contribute at least 5.00 USD to the project. What do you get in return? Over 360 pages of nerdcore goodness. There's a detailed, modular technology system that let's you design everything from spears to starships, multiple alien races and rules for creating your own, a space travel and star system creation guide based on real physics, pages and pages of original artwork, rules on incorporating psionics, magic, superpowers and other extraordinary elements into you game...I could go on and on.

As a special bonus, until the 8th of August 2015 those who contribute at least 5.00 USD to the Universal Decay: Dead Stars project will ALSO receive a PDF of the full-color edition of The Lycanthrope Club: Book II That's right. Five measly dollars gets you a complete roleplaying game system AND the full-color edition of the second novel in The Lycanthrope Club series.

News Update 07-05-2015 - The Lycanthrope Club: Book II now available!

The long anticipated second installment of The Lycanthrope Club series is finally available! Check it out!

Because the book has been delayed so long (sorry!) we've decided to make digital versions of The Lycanthrope Club: Book II available immediately. You can receive a PDF copy of the full color edition by contributing at least 3.00 USD to project via PayPal. This version of the book will include all the color illustrations, production sketches and two exclusive bonus short stories - First Night, and A Nurse in Wolf's Clothing parts I and II. A free for download PDF edition featuring the main story and all of the illustrations in greyscale will be available approximately one week from now.

Print copies - both full color and black and white - will be available sometime over the next month. Owing to the proofing and reviewing process we cannot say for certain when they'll be done. Once they are up on Lulu they should be available on Amazon a month or so later. Sorry, but preparing books for general distribution takes time.

The art was done by Leonardo "Lobo Leo" A. Vidal Fernandez, Jean Harrell and Dirk I. Tiede. The cover art was drawn by Ashley Vanstone.

Thanks for all your support!

News Update 05-25-2015

Bit late for this, but the aforementioned Kickstarter for The Lycanthrope Club: Book II has failed. We'd like to thank those who pledged.

That said, both the long-awaited The Lycanthrope Club: Book II and the fantasy supplement for Universal Decay, DragonFire, are nearing completion! Stay tuned!

News Update 01-11-2015 - The Lycanthrope Club: Book II Kickstarter

The Kickstarter for the Lycanthrope Club: Book II is now live! Check it out here and please contribute if you are able! Spread the word!

News Update 11-02-2014 - The Daemoneye Podcast

Daemoneye Publishing now has its very own podcast! Tune in (metaphorically) to listen to the founders of Daemoneye Publishing, Tristan Eifler and Jay Tyler Barrell, discuss tabletop and electronic RPGs, science, technology, geek culture, sci-fi/fantasy, and why sentient border collies make terrible badminton players (well, not so much the latter).

New episodes will be uploaded on a monthly basis. For the time being they will be hosted on our YouTube channel though we may later make it available on iTunes and add a RSS feed.

News Update 01-25-2014

We are now also accepting submissions for original material – optional rules and setting ideas/expansions for Universal Decay, short stories (set in our campaign worlds or The Lycanthrope Club universe), scientific/historical articles for source material for table-top RPGs, etc. Submissions that pass muster will be posted on our “Free Stuff” for all to view. You will receive credit for your work unless you wish to remain anonymous. Authors whose work is published will receive credit for Daemoneye Publishing products at a rate of 0.01 USD/per word at the following exchange rates:

2.00 USD – A full-color pdf of The Lycanthrope Club: Book I

5.00 USD – A pdf of the Universal Decay: Dead Stars Rule Book, 2nd Edition

12.00 USD – A paperback copy of The Lycanthrope Club: Book I, b/w edition

20.00 USD – A paperback copy of Universal Decay: Dead Stars Rule Book, 2nd Edition

27.00 USD – A paperback copy of The Lycanthrope Club: Book I, full-color edition

Shipping is free for all physical products. Products cannot be purchased using a combination of product credit and other methods (PayPal, debit, credit card, etc.). You have one year to redeem Daemoneye Publishing credit from the day it is earned; after a year the credit is void.

By submitting your work to Daemoneye Publishing you understand it will be considered in whole or in part for publication on our website. You certify that it is your own original work and is not published or submitted for publication elsewhere by any individual or organization. You also agree to exclusively grant all rights to Daemoneye Publishing for all work which we agree to pursue for publication and further understand that your work may be edited at the discretion of Daemoneye Publishing.

Send your submissions here

News Update 01-12-2014

Happy New Year!

Daemoneye Publishing is looking for new blood! One of our goals for 2014 is to expand our product library and network of freelance artists and writers, so if you are or know someone who might be interested in joining our creative team, contact us.

Please note we are not looking for employees. What we want are talented, reliable individuals interested in contributing to our Universal Decay table-top RPG system (link) and its various settings – Dead Stars, Dragonfire, Cape and Hammer – on a commission and/or royalty basis. We’d also welcome those who want to collaborate to develop their own ideas, settings or stories, possibly using our Universal Decay game engine, possibly not. If you have a cool concept and want to collaborate on, email us and pitch it!

Last, we here at Daemoneye Publishing are considering breaking into computer game development. Very ambitious, I know, but if we can assemble the required resources and talent I think it’s worth a shot. Nothing big – maybe an Android platform game, something accessible and easy to develop for. We already have several programmers but what we really need are artists – 2D artists, 3D artists, animators, etc. This is a long term goal and we certainly aren’t expecting professional or even hobbyist digital artists to join our team just for the fun of it, but I think it’s worthwhile to put some feelers out and see if we can make any new contacts for when the time comes. Again, email us if you are or know anyone who might be interested.

That is all.

News Update 11-23-2013 - Second Edition of Universal Decay: Dead Stars Rule Book Available!

The new edition of our flagship product - the Universal Decay: Dead Stars Rule Book - is now available for purchase via Lulu! Check it out!

The book should be available for purchase through other retailers, such as Amazon, in a couple of months. A full list of all changes in the new edition can be found here

Don't forget that our Pre-Generic Winter Solstice Related Holiday Sale is still on - 10% off every Daemoneye Publishing product purchased via Lulu, including the new DSRB!

News Update 11-15-2013 - Pre-Generic Winter Solstice Related Holiday Sale 2013

The Daemoneye Publishing Pre-Generic Winter Solstice Related Holiday Sale 2013 is on!

Until the end of November, any Daemoneye Publishing product purchased through will be 10% off. Furthermore, the minimum contribution to receive a full-color pdf copy of The Lycanthrope Club: Book is only 1.00 USD.

News Update 11-10-2013 - New Products and Upcoming Holiday Sale!

Welcome to the (slightly) revamped Daemoneye Publishing website!

We have several announcements to make. First, the second edition of the Universal Decay: Dead Stars Rulebook should be available sometime in the next month. It will address errors and rule ambiguities present in the first edition.

Secondly, we now have a CafePress store where you can buy (ludicrously overpriced) Daemoneye Publishing T-shirts. We have two designs available right now – the official Daemoneye Publishing T-shirt with company logo and the "Enough with the zombies already! " T-shirt (made from organically grown cotton). Check it out

Lastly, staring November 15th there will be special "Pre-Generic Winter Solstice Related Holiday" Sale. All Daemoneye Publishing products will be 10% off when purchased through Furthermore, the minimum contribution to receive a full-color pdf of The Lycanthrope Club: Book I will be 1.00 USD. That’s right, for a mere 100 pennies you can get the full color version of the story. The sale will last until the end of November.

That is all!

News Update 12-27-2012 - Universal Decay: Dead Stars resources available for download

Happy Holidays!

In response to requests from fans we have made several resources for Universal Decay: Dead Stars available for download at the product page and free downloads page, including pdf files of UDDS character sheets and other record sheets. Take a look!

News Update 12-01-2012 - Holiday Sale!

Daemoneye Publishing has a special offer for the holiday season. All Daemoneye Publishing products are 10% off when purchased through Lulu!

The sale will last until the 14th of December, so don't delay!

News Update 11-25-2012 - Revised edition of The Lycanthrope Club: Book I now available

A revised edition of the illustrated novella, The Lycanthrope Club: Book I, featuring a beautiful new cover by Ashley Vanstone is now available for purchase at in greyscale or full color.

You can purchase print copies of the novella or download the pdf here. Those who contribute at least 2.00 USD to the Lycanthrope Club: Book I project via PayPal will receive a full color edition pdf of the novella.

News Update 08-27-2012 - Revised edition of Universal Decay: Dead Stars is now available!

Daemoneye Publishing's flagship product - Universal Decay: Dead Stars - is now available for purchase at Lulu! Check it out!

Universal Decay: Dead Stars is more than a decade in the making. Extensively playtested and edited, it is a comprehensive table-top roleplaying game based off the d20 engine as well as a ready-to-play science fiction/horror setting. If sci-fi isn't your cup of tea there are rules for creating your own settings - everything from superheroes to high fantasy.

Features artwork by Kurt Dinse (, Mike McElwee (, and Shinkei ( NSFW).

News Update 07-29-2012 - The Lycanthrope Club: Book I now available!

After months of waiting Daemoneye Publishing's first novel - The Lycanthrope Club: Book I - is now available for download and purchase! Check it out!

Want to discuss the story or ask the author questions? Register on the Daemoneye Publishing forums today!

News Update 03-29-2012 - Looking for editors for the DSRB

Daemoneye Publishing needs volunteer editors for the Dead Stars Rulebook

For those of you not familiar with Universal Decay: Dead Stars, it's a science-fiction horror roleplaying game based on the d20 system, and Daemoneye Publishing's flagship product. We need people relatively unfamiliar with the Universal Decay system (and d20 in general) to read through the main rule book, checking for spelling and grammatical errors, confusing language, overt rule contradictions or inconsistencies and so on. Fair warning: it's a massive tome, but even a partial edit would be helpful. We can't offer applicants anything other than editor credit and an advance digital copy of the finished book. If interested contact or

News Update 03-21-2012 - Daemoneye Forum is Live!

Greetings newcomers!

The Daemoneye Publishing forum is up and running! You can access it using the link above or just click here There still may be some kinks to work out, so if you experience any trouble please contact contact the forum admin.

As you may know, many of our products are free for download. However, that doesn't mean they don't cost anything to develop! In addition to many, MANY hours spent writing and playtesting, much of the art you see in our books is commissioned, which can cost quite a bit. If you like a particular book or project and want to support it, send a couple bucks our way by clicking on the "support" button next to the product. You won't receive anything besides the knowledge you helped Daemoneye Publishing continue to bring you the stuff you love.

Finally, another artist has been found to do the illustrations for The Lycanthrope Club: Book I - Dirk I. Tiede, illustrator and author of the webcomic Paradigm Shift. We look foward to working with Mr. Tiede.

Click here to go the product page for The Lycanthrope Club: Book I.

News Update 02-27-2012 - New Website Launched

The new Daemoneye Publishing webiste is up! Feel free to browse around. More updates soon to follow!

Daemoneye Publishing © 2012-2024