About Us

Affiliated Websites

The Lycanthrope Club Webcomic - A webcomic set in the Lycanthrope Club universe.
virussmith's dA - The Lycanthrope Club Webcomic's current artist.
Abby Cao's Artstation - The Lycanthrope Club Webcomic's 1st artist.
Kiojan's Deviant Art Page - Author of The Lycanthrope Club.

Websites We Like

DriveThruRPG - One of the largest tabletop RPG online stores - we have a storefront there!
Second Wind - A video game entertainment group formed from former staff of the Escapist magazine.
Keep 'et Classy - Two Australians play games and provide hilarious, irreverent and insightful commentary.
Dwarf Fortress - Fantastically detailed world-building roguelike game.
Failbetter Games - Creators of the amazing Fallen London universe, Sunless Sea and Sunless Skies.
Kenzer & Company - Home of the award-winning Knights of the Dinner Table magazine.
Paradigm Shift - A Paranormal Graphic Novel by Dirk I. Tiede.
Reaper Miniatures - Beautiful, affordable miniatures and miniature painting supplies.
The Insidious Bogleech - Creepy, funny, gross, and insightful all at once.

Daemoneye Publishing © 2012-2024